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Power Quality Resources

In the rapidly changing electric utility sector, power quality is critical for reliable and sustainable energy. Power quality resources play a crucial role by establishing standards for power measurement, monitoring, and improvement, guiding utilities through energy complexities. They offer guidelines and solutions for high-quality electricity delivery, enhancing customer satisfaction, protecting equipment, and facilitating renewable energy integration.


Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) - A global nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing society through electrical engineering. It was founded in the US and has over 400,000 members. IEEE covers almost every aspect of electrical engineering, divided into 39 societies. These societies cover from basic physics of semiconductors to vehicular Technology.


Industrial Application Society - This society of IEEE covers the customer side of the meter. The focus of this is equipment and devices that draw power inside of buildings,facility wiring, power quality aspects - for end users of power rather than distributors of power.


Power & Engineering Society - This society of IEEE covers the electricity on the utility side of the meter. The focus is on generation, transmission, distribution, and power quality. All of the below committees can also be found on the IEEE PES Website. 

   • IEEE T&D

Transmission & Distribution (T&D) - This committee handles all aspects of systems that transmit energy between generation through substations through the point of common coupling.

       • Power Quality Subcommittee

Power Quality Subcommittee - Covers everything related to power quality, harmonic distortion, voltage fluctuations that would include flicker, rapid voltage changes, voltage sags, and recommendations for solving power quality problems.


Power System Instrumentation and Measurements (PSIM) - The subgroup that handles measurements and transducers, and covers how you can physically measure from medium or high voltage.

       • Sensors Subcommittee

Sensors Subcommittee - focuses on developing standards and guidelines for sensor devices and systems in electric power measurements


Analytic Methods for Power Systems Committee (AMPS) - Develops standards for IEEE PES.

       • Big Data & Analytics for Power Systems Subcommittee

Big Data & Analytics for Power Systems Subcommittee - focuses on addressing the architectural, computational, and practical challenges posed by the integration of big data in smart grid operations


American National Standards Institute (ANSI) – A group that certifies other standards and groups through an evaluation process.


International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) – European standards group, worldwide but concentrated in the EU. Many IEC standards are legal requirements in participating countries. Funding comes from the member countries.


Council on Large Electric Systems (CIGRE) – European group focused on electric power R&D and technical reports.


Center for Energy Advancement through Technological Innovation (CEATI) - A network for power industry professionals that provides research, guidance, and forums for information.  


Minnesota Power Systems Conference (MIPSYCON) - An annual conference that covers problems that electric utilities face.

For More Information

Register for PQ Standards and Recommended Practices or visit our training page for several other opportunities to learn about power quality. We also offer several reference materials in our white paper library.