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PMI_WhitePQ Canvass Training

Monday, May 19, 2025 - 2:00 PM ET


Join PMI's tech support team as they provide live demonstrations of PQ Canvass, the premier platform for viewing and analyzing power quality data.

Learn how to connect and monitor devices like Bolt, Seeker, Guardian, and Tensor. Discover features such as instant alerts, unlimited data storage, powerful reporting tools, live waveform viewing, and recording initialization.

Login to PQ Canvass in advance by visiting: pqcanvass.powermonitors.com

Access your PQ Canvass account by visiting pqcanvass.powermonitors.com.
With PQ Canvass, view up to the minute data or adjust the time to see the waveforms for a specific event.
View stripcharts, histograms, and daily profile graphs in PQ Canvass.
Receive SMS texts or email notifications for outages, exceedences, and more.
For 24/7 technically support, call us at (800)296-4120.
Always click the Update button when creating new notification alerts.
By setting thresholds, get real-time recordings and alerts when a PQ issue occurs.
View reports such as voltage regulation, voltage sags, flicker, and more.


Speaker - Tech Support

This webinar is hosted by a member of our technical support team. Every team member is skilled in resolving various issues and proficient in demonstrating the features and functionalities of PMI's products and software.

Our tech support team is available 24/7 at (800)296-4120


Want to learn more? 

Visit info.powermonitors.com/free-class for more webinars from PMI!